Make a payment

Make one-time payments or set up recurring payments for your monthly dues.
Reference the Team Fees chart below for more information.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us.


Spring 2025 Swarm Monthly Payment (7U-14U)

Player Name


Swarm Baseball Monthly Payment (7U-14U)

Player Name


Red Elite Monthly Payment

Player Name


High School Monthly Payment

Player Name


Guardian Payments

Player Name


Make One-Time Payment

Player Name

Payment Description





















Monthly Fee










THE UNIFORM PACKAGE is purchased online from the convenience of your own home through the Swarm Wilson Team Shop. The package varies depending on your sons’ age. 7-8U, 9-10U, 11U-14U, and 15U-18U are all a little different and spelled out very clearly when you visit the site. You will be required to purchase certain items including game jerseys, practice jerseys, and hats, but may purchase optional items as well including socks, pants, belts, helmets, undershirts, back packs, duffle bags, catchers’ bags, and all other accessories. Our Swarm Wilson Team Shop pricing is far below market rates and can be found at 

ANNUAL CLUB FEE is an annual, one-time fee which helps cover upfront and ongoing costs associated with running the team like registration, insurance, equipment, new player onboarding, web, and social media management, Teamsnap, program events, and many other items. For returning players, this payment is collected as a deposit and applied to the Fall Deposit and for new players, it is logged simply as the Annual Fee. 

MONTHLY FEE is a recurring fee which covers manager pay, coaches pay, practice fields, indoor facilities, and more. Each player MUST set up automatic payments on August 1 through our PayPal option on the web site and have continuous draws for ten months. Monthly fees run from August 1 through May 1 without interruption. This fee DOES NOT cover league fees or tournament costs. 

Other Fees

LEAGUE FEES are a one-time cost which covers your portion of any league fee associated with your team. Not all teams participate in leagues and your coach will discuss this option at a team meeting in the beginning of the season. This payment goes directly to the coach if he fronted the cost or directly to the League.

TRIPS/TRAVEL EXPENSES only applies if your team decides to travel regionally or out of state to play. Destinations like Flagstaff, Las Vegas, California, and Colorado, as well as popular events like Cooperstown, Omaha Slump Busters, International World Series, and the USSSA World Series in Florida are good examples of trips that our teams have taken.

TOURNAMENT FEES are what each player has to pay for his portion of the scheduled tournaments. The coach will book these events and request two lump sum payments in the fall and in the spring. These costs will vary from team to team depending on your team schedule and number of events. Additional fees may be required if new tournaments or events are added to the schedule.